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Malaysia's Outsourcing Sector Sees 27 Per Cent Jump In Overseas Revenue For FY 2013

[ 11-08-2014 ]
Malaysia's Outsourcing Sector Sees 27 Per Cent Jump In Overseas Revenue For FY 2013
KUALA LUMPUR, July 30 (Bernama) -- Malaysia's outsourcing sector saw a 27 per cent jump in overseas revenue in FY 2013 to RM1.59 million, compared to RM1.25 million in 2012, due to outsourcing opportunities and projects.

Outsourcing Malaysia (OM) chairman David Wong in a statement today said the 27 per cent increase in just one year, is significant for the country's outsourcing industry, which is still relatively small when compared to those of other regional peers.

He said the various initiatives by the government on the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and industry-wide efforts, are the drivers behind the positive earnings growth for Malaysia's outsourcing industry.

"However, there is still much room for improvement. Of the RM1.59 billion in overseas revenue, only 25 per cent was generated by local outsourcing players, and the rest by their foreign shared services players based in Malaysia," he added.

Wong said there are still many local outsourcing players who only focus on business from the local market, rather than their global counterparts (established and operating in Malaysia), who are more keen to attract and secure foreign outsourcing business.

He said this is where OM is able to come in to assist small and medium businesses like local outsourcing companies by helping them move up the value chain to improve global attractiveness and overseas income from in-bound outsourcing projects.

Outsourcing is one of the Entry Point Projects under the Business Services National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) of the ETP, which focuses on areas of business such as business process outsourcing, IT process outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing.

OM is an initiative of the outsourcing industry and a chapter of Pikom, Malaysia's national ICT industry association.