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European SME’s in Malaysia to benefit from new web portal

[ 02-10-2014 ]
European SME’s in Malaysia to benefit from new web portal

The newly launched European Union (EU)-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI) web portal is expected to help drive double-digit growth among European small and medium enterprises (SMEs) doing business in Malaysia.

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Miti)Deputy Minister Datuk Hamim Samuri said the portal is akin to a helpdesk that is highly focused on helping the European SMEs not only gain information, but also facilitate their establishment in the country.

"We are seeing a lot of interest from European SMEs on coming to Malaysia.

The portal will be the first contact and then we can scale up, using Internet technology and human contact by helping them to get in touch with a local expert," he told reporters after the portal's launch here today.

Also present was the EU Ambassador and Head of Delegation to Malaysia Luc Vandebon.

The portal is the outcome of the "Support for European Business in South East Asian Markets Malaysia Component" project, with the EUMCCI collaborating with 11 partners organisations in Malaysia and Europe.

It is also the first national project supported by the EU.

It will act as a one-stop centre to provide EU SME's with the information and expertise on how to facilitate the success of their venture in the Malaysian and Asean markets.

Vandebon said the web portal would be an excellence platform to promote Malaysia as an investment destination to EU SMEs by leveraging on the success of the existing EU companies in Malaysia.

Currently, he said there were more than 2,000 European companies operating throughout Malaysia.

"Basically, the best publicity that we can have is to talk of the experiences of the 2,000 companies in Malaysia.

"They are all happy and making money. It is a testimony to their presence and what they have managed to do in Malaysia, thanks to the environment created by the government," Vandebon added.

Vandebon said the Malaysia and EU trade relationship has always been good and growing by the year.

"Despite the temporary difficulties we went through in Europe, it has not taken away any of our drive to expand trade with Malaysia," he added.

"We hope we can solidify relations and continue on the path taken so far," he added.

– Bernama, September 30, 2014.