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Najib to table 11th Malaysia Plan in Dewan Rakyat at 11.30am

[ 24-05-2015 ]
Najib to table 11th Malaysia Plan in Dewan Rakyat at 11.30am
Najib to table 11th Malaysia Plan in Dewan Rakyat at 11.30am
In a post on his Facebook account yesterday, Najib described the tabling of the 11MP today as the 'final lap' in Malaysia's march to achieving developed-nation status in 2020. - File Photo
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is scheduled to table the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP) that will become the basis of a five-year development roadmap in Dewan Rakyat at 11.30 am Thursday.

Najib, who is also Finance Minister, will submit the motion for the 11MP after the question-and-answer session which starts at 10 am.

According to the orders of the day the prime minister, among others, would propose that the Dewan Rakyat endorsed the government's efforts to continue implementing the National Transformation Policy and to be supported by the Malaysian National Development Strategy (MyNDS) as a development policy framework for the realisation of Vision 2020.

11th Malaysia plan 'final lap' to achieving developed-nation status - Najib

In a post on his Facebook account yesterday, Najib described the tabling of the 11MP today as the 'final lap' in Malaysia's march to achieving developed-nation status in 2020.

Prior to this, he was reported to have said the priorities of the people, especially those related to living cost, education, public transport safety and rural infrastructure would continue to be the focus under the 11MP.

Special attention would also be given to education as well as technical and vocational training, he said.

The tabling of the plan will also be carried live over television by RTM and via his official blog www.najibrazak.com .