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SMEs News - News & Events

  • “The ringgit’s depreciation has a negative impact on the production costs, cash flow and profits of most SMEs,” SME Association of Malaysia deputy president Michael Kang (pic) told StarBiz in an email.PETALING JAYA: Many small and m...
  • Top gainers: The FMM syas exporters who source their inputs in Malaysia win gain most.PETALING JAYA: An uncertain global economic outlook and the continuous decline in the value of the ringgit have sent jitters through the Malaysian business communit...
  • KOTA KINABALU: Women entrepreneurs in Sabah seeking financial assistance from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) can now approach the state’s Community Development and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPMHEP) for help.Deputy Mini...
  • KUALA LUMPUR: The Government will set up a special economic committee to ensure that Malaysia maintains its economic growth momentum, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak."The committee's objective is to ensure Malaysia maintains the growth...
  • KUALA LUMPUR: Asean small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been urged to venture into e-commerce or online trading to extend the reach of their products or services.ASEAN Business Advisory Council chairman Tan Sri Munir Majid said this was the futu...
  • KUALA LUMPUR: The success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is crucial for Asean to be truly integrated, says Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Lee Chee Leong.Lee said resilient SMEs should start to have a global mind-set...
  • KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18 (Bernama) -- The success of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is crucial for ASEAN to be truly integrated, says Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Lee Chee Leong.Lee said resilient SMEs should start to ha...
  • KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama) -- India has very healthy trade and investment relations with Malaysia which will not be affected by the ringgit's depreciation, India's High Commissioner to Malaysia T.S. Tirumurti says."No, its going to be better and better b...
  • KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 18 (Bernama) -- Malaysia is able to withstand current economic challenges due to its strong fundamentals, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar said.He said that the current environment faced by the...
  • CGC chairman Datuk Agil Natt (fifth from left) and Mohd Zamree (fourth from left) having Hari Raya open house celebration with the their staff and participation at the company's office in Selangor yesterday. (Pic by:Muhd Amin Naharul/TMR)Credit Guara...
  • Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has urged inclusiveness and sustainability to be at the core of Asean policies to build a truly integrated bloc.In urging this, Najib said being a community meant placing appropriate emphasis on the development agenda...
  • 周瑞和(左起) 、林金宋、符策勤及黄翠燕推介中小企业融资巡回讲座会, 呼吁中小企业踊跃参与, 了解我国现有的各种融资管道。(布城3日讯)首相署马来西亚中小型企业拓展中心(SAM...
  • 蔡智勇促大马中小型企业善用东盟经济共同体及东盟自由贸易区来扩展大马产品。图示他为中小型企业卓越成就奖主持推介礼。左起谢安华、梅格纳祖丁、蔡智勇及江华强。(梳邦再也28日...
  • Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Datuk Seri Dr Maximus OngkiliKUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will become the green technology hub in the region, judging from the success of the previous five editions of the International Greentech and Eco Produ...
  • KUALA LUMPUR: BIMB Securities Research expects the Malaysian stock market to remain lacklustre on Thursday and the FBM KLCI’s immediate resistance at 1,735.On Wednesday, the KLCI closed down 6.66 points at 1,729.53 dragged down by plantations h...
  • (雪蘭莪‧八打靈再也21日訊)馬來西亞中華總商會總會長拿督林國璋坦承,中小型企業生意額減少,一些企業開始凍結請人,尤其是文職空缺。“不過,勞力工作則不受影響,中小型企...
  • KUALA LUMPUR: Sebahagian peniaga kecil memilih untuk tidak mendaftar perniagaan bagi mengelak daripada dikenakan cukai perniagaan, kata Ketua Eksekutif SME Corporation Malaysia, Datuk Hafsah Hashim.Beliau menekankan bahawa kebimbangan dikenakan cukai...
  • JOHOR BAHRU: Port of Tanjung Pelepas (PTP) berusaha meningkatkan nilainya dengan merancang untuk mengembangkan kapasiti daripada 12.5 juta unit bersamaan 20 kaki (TEU) kepada 15 juta TEU dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.Pengembangan kapasiti berte...
  • (雪蘭莪‧八打靈再也15日訊)馬來西亞中華總商會中小企業組主任孔令龍指出,我國中小企業的實力強健、內需市場穩定以及國家經濟基本面鞏固,在“一帶一路”的戰略下,希望能...
  • KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 (Bernama) -- Malaysia is in sixth position in this year's Baseline Profitability Index (BPI), climbing five spots from 11th place achieved in 2014.The BPI is a ranking of destinations of attractiveness for foreign investors, pub...